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                         author of  the Predator series

The gift.

That was what they originally called it.
Brett Meirs saw it in a completely different light.  

A curse

 Now his former partner Jack Saunders wants him to re-live and re-experience the pain and anguish it so readily caused him. 

Didn’t they know this was why he left the FBI in the first place? 


    To escape the pain...the impending madness his gift eagerly bestowed.


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Website Design Award 
In Octobers 2009 my website was ranked 9th out of 300 sites submitted for review in the Writers Digest, see article below!


I'm currently looking for an agent to represent my work. 

My novels are paced for a quick and easy read.  I'd be happy to send you a complete copy of my manuscript(s) for your review.  Thank you for taking the time to visit my site.
If you are an agent who is interested in representing my work, please email me at

Click on the link below to view sample chapters from my novels.

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